Users in this career have rated it a 2.3 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 6414 users during registration.
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are 12 reviews of this career. The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.
I have recently started driving instruction. I would definitely recommend this career if you are the kind of person that has a calm and understanding approach to people who want to learn and may not "get it" straight away basically you should be a "people person" If I had to do it all over again I would not hesitate for a minute because it's the best move I’ve ever made!! The pros of this career is teaching someone to drive from basic and watch them evolve into a competent driver and eventually passing their driving test!! also it can be a lucrative industry as we charge around €35 per hour which is really good because allot of the time you have a good pupil who can drive really well and they’re paying you for a couple of lessons and you have a very little amount of work to do to "iron out" any bad habits they may have picked up prior to meeting you. The cons would be that you tend to get allot of cancellations as some people hate getting lessons because they have a stranger in the car watching they’re every move and can be intimidated by it.
I manage compliance for a company focused on online privacy. The issues are really interesting, both from a technical and a policy perspective. It good to work with a group of people focused on consumer protection. I feel very lucky to have fallen into this career path.
I am a manager of a strategy team in a public sector organization. There is huge demand for "big-picture" policy generalists in the public sector, and strategy is a good place to hone those skills. People wanting to manage strategy teams should be intellectually confident, creative people who have a knack for encouraging ideas from their employees. I didn't go to university in order to take on this career, but I would highly recommend it - very intellectually stimulating, great opportunity to influence the future direction of an organization, great chance to mentor good people. You don't need an MBA to do the job, but you do need to stay on top of the latest strategy and management theories and methodologies. However, strategy can be a bit abstract and is not always perceived by other managers or operational people as useful to the core business of the organization.