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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
February 24, 2007 |
English / Language Arts Teacher Education:
Taking a major in Teaching, especially a major in Teaching in Brazil, where teacher are very little valued (or not valued at all), is a very bold decision to make. In my city specifically market is not exactly the problem, but payment. Seldom will one make income enough to support a family, for instance, by working in only one school, or only one shift. It's hard work, it's strenuous work, and it takes preparation. A major is not necessary for you to be a good teacher, shall truth be told, but it makes a teacher a better teacher, no doubt of it.
It will feel dull sometimes, it will feel uninteresting, unimportant, and uttely boring sometimes. But it will be rewarding, that's for sure. Not because of the diploma, not because of the status and not because of the recognition. You'll get very little of any of these. What really helps you getting through a major in teaching is self-satisfaction. Without that, you're studying for nothing.
As a general review of the subjects in the course, many of them will be, as mentioned, uterly unrelated to your probable future area of work, and the ones who do matter won't be exactly what you will need further. Training will be necessary after college, no matter how well-taught you consider yourself to be.
If it's worth it? Yeah, if you have the feeling of self-satisfaction I mentioned eralier. If you don't, honestly, don't even bother. It's not worth the effort. If you do, however, nothing will stop you from it. So go ahead ;) |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
February 23, 2007 |
Education / Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities:
One of the pros in having this degree is the wonderful sense of satisfaction when you help a mind that is clouded or unable to reach out realize something you are teaching them and they demonstrate, use it and/or maneuver it properly again and again. What is better yet is seeing a once troubled mind become so confident they are tested and allowed in the mainstream classroom.
The cons being you will find yourself doing repetative skills and lessons over and over again to pry open a space in a waiting student/s understanding. You will fail, you can't avoid it, but the experience makes you stronger for the next challenge. The lack of resources available, lack of support from the school, admin or even the guardians at times, the student's erratic behavior or stubborn refusal to listen or learn. These are some of the expected frustrations that come along with the job.
I have never looked back in becoming a Special Educator, but you have to have the determination and resolve in being one - it's not a major for the impatient or faint in heart! If you are looking for a career where you will receive super recognition and laurels -- sorry, its not this. However, if you are willing to take as your reward a student's smile, a light of understanding suddenly go off in their eyes, or an arm around you or a head leaning against you as you patiently instruct, then this is for you!
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
January 19, 2007 |
Elementary Education and Teaching:
I would ask that people considering this major, look at the job market for elementary teachers. I would suggest that if they are unwilling to relocate they particularly consider local trends in hiring teachers and seriously consider the viablity of being employed within this field. I love teaching and would recommend it to anyone who feels they have a heart for it. With that said, people going into elementary education need to also consider getting other certifications to make themselves more employable. In this area, there is a large glut of elementary teachers in the market and most do not end up teaching for a good while after graduation if ever. Those still going into this field need to find ways to make themselves stand out. Additional certifications in specialized areas (special education,language, etc). They also need to be very active within local schools before graduation. Substitute, volunteer, network with people in the area that you hope to get a job. One of the biggest factors is also the willingness to relocate. If you are willing to go to areas that are lacking in teachers, you will have no issues getting employed. If I had to do it all over again, I would have supplemented my degree with special education endorsements, as I am now working outside of the education field but in a social service area working with the developmentally disabled.
The pros are the ability to make a difference in student/family lives. The ability to watch a child understand and feel you made a difference in that. The cons are dealing with the occassional parent who believes their child is perfect, discipline issues, and the politics involved in some school corporations. |