The majors community area features a forum, usergroup and reviews — where you can meet and communicate with other users also interested in this major.
This community area is for Performing Arts, which is a category of majors that includes "Theatre Literature, History and Criticism". The complete list of specific majors that fall under this general category follows below.
864 users in this community group. You can see the list of users in this group by clicking on one of the links below. You can also join this group by simply selecting your current status and clicking "Add Me."
15 users are currently studying this major.
48 users are considering this major.
5 users
have studied and/or earned a degree in this major.
796 users have hidden memberships.
(Hidden users have added this major to their portfolios, but have not indicated a publicly visible status.)
are 16 reviews of this major.
The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.