The majors community area features a forum, usergroup and reviews — where you can meet and communicate with other users also interested in this major.
This community area is for Philosophy & Religious Studies, which is a category of majors that includes "Jewish / Judaic Studies". The complete list of specific majors that fall under this general category follows below.
336 users in this community group. You can see the list of users in this group by clicking on one of the links below. You can also join this group by simply selecting your current status and clicking "Add Me."
12 users are currently studying this major.
13 users are considering this major.
12 users
have studied and/or earned a degree in this major.
299 users have hidden memberships.
(Hidden users have added this major to their portfolios, but have not indicated a publicly visible status.)
are 18 reviews of this major.
The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.
I really enjoyed studying Philosophy while I was in school. I felt like I was able to examine all the really important questions in life about morality, truth, justice etc. and decide them on my own. That being said, I would not major in it if I could go back. All my philosophy major friends went on to Law schools, but I didn't want to. I've been unemployed for 9 months and had to move back in with my parents. After sending out 20 resumes and cover letters I've not gotten a single interview.
Religious Studies provides an excellent insight into the ways beliefs can inform choices on the micro scale, and how societal norms can affect the way groups interact on a macro scale. By investigating systems of beliefs and the decisions that stem from these system, the Religious Studies student is better able to analyze a situation where there are groups at odds with each other and understand which beliefs are most directly related to the conflict. The major drawback of Religious Studies is that on its own, it provides very specific training for the further investigation of religion in an academic setting. However, in conjunction with another discipline such as economics or politics, it allows the student to have sharper insight to the underlying mechanics of dynamic social situations.
I feel that philosophy is a major that cannot be recommended persay, but that many who enter into philosophy all ready have their reasons for being there. If I started over again I would most likely skip it in lieu of something more action-oriented, possibly the art of flower arranging. The pros of having this major is that you can roast just about anyone by breaking down their arguments into symbolic logic and working the propositions out on a truth table. The cons of this major are that I now pump gas for a living.
3.75% of the U.S. federal budget is spent on education. More than 20% is spent on national defense.
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