Majors Database |


College Majors Database
Having trouble deciding what to major in or what to study? Search or browse through our database of nearly 1,200 different majors & degrees — every major offered across every campus in America! Find out what you can study and where. Find out what careers typically follow each major.


What Can I Do With a Major In...?
Find quick answers to that most nagging of questions, "What can I do with a major in...?" Simply find your category of major and we'll tell you what careers are related. |


Top Ten Lists
What are the most popular majors? These lists report the most popular majors each year in America by type of degree — Certificate, Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, and First-Professional. |

Resources on Majors & Degrees |


Majors Community
Featuring reviews, discussion forums & user groups for nearly 50 different subjects, the MyPlan.com majors community can help you learn about various majors from people actually in those majors (or who have already earned degrees). This is the perfect place to meet people in specific majors, ask questions & give advice. |


Majors & Degrees Resource Center
If you can't find it on our website, we'll help you find it somewhere else. A list of outside websites with information on Majors and Degrees is presented with brief descriptions. |

Interesting Fact |
The number of doctorate degrees awarded by American universities has gone up by more than 300% in the past 30 years. |
Did you know... |
The MyPlan.com Industry Database provides detailed profiles on 77 different U.S. industries. |