Note: The editors at MyPlan.com compile, summarize & provide links to sites that we believe may contain information of value to you. We do not, however, endorse these sites or the information they may contain, nor are we in any way affiliated with them. We simply believe in providing the best information to our users -- even if it may sometimes come from others. |
Undergraduate Rankings |

25 Best Distant Learning Universities
This site offers a top-25 ranking of the most popular online universities (and distance learning programs) with a brief review of each. In addition, the site offers links to the top programs by subject area or types of degrees offered. www.25best-distant-learning-universities.com/.. |

Black Enterprise's Top Colleges for African Americans for 2003
In addition to a listing of the top 50 colleges for African Americans, this site includes information on college life, financial aid, and scholarship opportunities. An interactive survey provides school recommendations based on user-entered variables. www.blackenterprise.com/.. |

College Prowler — College Rankings
This site offers rankings of "the top 200 schools in America" in categories that range from academics, athletics, transportation, and computers to guys, girls, nightlife, and campus dining. While there is unfortunately no explanation for the grading system, student quotes provide good anecdotal information for some schools. www.collegeprowler.com/.. |

Community College Week's Top 100 Associate's and Certificate Degree Schools
Community College Week's annual list provides data on an area of higher education often missing from traditional college rankings: associate's-degree-granting two-year programs. While CCW is to be commended for attempting to fill this gap, a word of caution: the lists are based solely on the total number of degrees awarded. Other factors, like instructor-to-student ratio or student satisfaction, are not taken into account at all. www.ccweek.com/.. |

Hispanic Magazine.com's Top 25 Colleges for Latinos
Hispanic Magazine publishes this annual list of "the 25 best colleges for Latinos." While the list editors should be commended for developing a Hispanic-oriented ranking, the list is little more than the U.S. News & World Report ranking system adjusted for Hispanic enrollments and degrees conferred to Hispanic students. www.hispaniconline.com/.. |

Kiplinger's 100 Best Values in Public Colleges
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine offers 2 rankings – the top 100 values in public universities and the top 100 values in private universities. According to Kiplinger's, these are "schools where students can graduate with a high-caliber education, but without a mortgage-size debt." This site was first published in 1998 and again in 2003, and is only periodically updated. www.kiplinger.com/.. |

The London Times (UK) World University Rankings
The Times have published a list of the top 200 universities worldwide. It is perhaps the first serious attempt at a worldwide ranking system, and employs both quantitative and qualitative factors (most notably "peer review" from 1,300 surveyed faculty members). American universities dominate the list and, indeed, the top ten (7 of 10). The site requires registration to view the data, but registration is free. www.thes.co.uk/.. |

Mother Jones Top 10 Activist Schools
Every year or so, Mother Jones publishes a survey of student activism on college campuses worldwide (though notably biased toward the US). Interestingly, the annual lists mirror regional and temporal politics that reflect the events of the year. Be sure to check out the Mother Jones archive for older surveys – the changing list chronicles a fascinating history of political activism. www.motherjones.com/.. |

New Mobility Magazine's Disability-Friendly Colleges
For persons with disabilities, choosing a college means more than simply evaluating an institution's academic offerings. This site from New Mobility helps students assess the disability-friendliness of 33 public institutions in the United States, evaluating them on such criteria as accessible classrooms, transportation, living accommodations, and adaptive sports. www.newmobility.com/.. |

Princeton Review's Best 357 Colleges
This site presents the results of surveys completed by college students nationwide. Rankings are offered for topics ranging from the serious (academic reputation, libraries, etc.) to the informal and humorous (party schools, jock schools, etc.). Princeton Review provides deailed information on their ranking methodology (online student surveys). www.princetonreview.com/.. |

Top American Research Universities
This report identifies the top public and private research universities in the United States based upon nine quality measures. Universities are clustered and ranked according to research funding, endowment assets, annual giving, National Academy membership, prestigious faculty awards, doctorates awarded, postdoctoral appointees, and SAT scores of entering freshmen. www.thecenter.ufl.edu/.. |

U.S. News & World Report College Rankings
The granddaddy of all college rankings, this list contains extensive information about colleges and universities in the United States, including undergraduate and graduate programs. Updated annually, this site provides overall rankings, as well as rankings by region and for specific programs. Unfortunately, most of the information on this site isn’t free and requires a subscription. www.usnews.com/.. |


Graduate School Rankings |

BusinessWeek's Best Business Schools
Business Week offers its business school rankings at this site. Users will find current statistics and profiles for the schools, and links to the schools' websites. The basic rankings can be viewed by anyone, but you must register with Business Week to view any content beyond the first page. In 2004, Business Week began ranking the top 10 MBA programs outside the U.S. www.businessweek.com/.. |

Financial Times' Global MBA Rankings
Based on surveys completed by both school officials and alumni, the Financial Times of London ranking of MBA programs offers its assessment of the top 100 MBA programs in the world. The rankings are based on relative status in three broad areas; value, diversity, and research. www.rankings.ft.com/.. |

Forbes' Best Business Schools
Forbes Magazine offers its rankings of business schools in the United States as well as in other countries throughout the world. Based on surveys completed by alumni, the list measures "return on investment in dollars and cents" by focusing on salary and gains in comparison to tuition costs and previous employment information. The site also features articles, information and statistics on individual business schools. www.forbes.com/.. |

U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings
In addition to their famous undergraduate college rankings, U.S. News & World Report also publishes rankings on graduate programs in the United States. Updated annually, this site provides detailed rankings by graduate program, including Business, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Education, Humanities, Health, Public Affairs, Fine Arts, Sciences, and Library Science. Unfortunately, most of the information on this site isn’t free and requires a subscription. www.usnews.com/.. |

The Wall Street Journal's Guide to Business Schools
The Wall Street Journal takes a unique approach to assessing MBA programs in their survey of recruiters worldwide who hire recent business school graduates. Recruiters are asked to evaluate the schools they have hired from. Factors include the likelihood of recruiting “stars”, leadership potential, ethics & integrity, team orientation, and communication & interpersonal skills. www.careerjournal.com/.. |


Interesting Fact |
Between 1970 and 1975, the number of law school graduates in the U.S. doubled! Since then, law degrees have been, by far, the most popular graduate degree. |
Did you know... |
The MyPlan.com Values Assessment Test scores and ranks 900 different careers based on how well they match your values system! |