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Use the search box above to search for graduate schools by school name (or keywords in the title of a school). |
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Alternatively, you can find graduate schools using the query tool, which lets you specify dozens of criteria including location, type, affiliation, graduate program, and much more! With the query tool, you can find graduate schools that perfectly match your unique situation and needs. |
Browse |
If you're interested in just browsing through organized lists of colleges, try using the browse function. You can specify geography or graduate program. |
Interesting Fact |
When P.T. Barnum donated money to Tufts University, he did so on the condition that the school's mascot be named after his beloved elephant. The Tufts University mascot has been the "Jumbos" ever since. |
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The Notes tool allows you to create and save private notes for yourself and bookmark pages throughout the site. |