Graduate Schools /
Brenau University |
Graduate Student Profile |
Graduate Students by Gender |
Graduate Students by Race/Ethnicity |
American Indian |
Asian or Pacific Islander |
Black |
Hispanic |
White |
International Student |
Graduate Students by Age |
Under 25 |
Age 25 - 29 |
Age 30 - 34 |
Age 35 - 39 |
Age 40 & over |
Graduate Students by Attendance Status |
Full-Time Students |
Part-Time Students |
Enrollment |
Student Services |
Counseling Services  |
Employment Services  |
Placement Services  |
On-Campus Day Care  |
Library System  |
Interesting Fact |
It's estimated that an M.B.A. is worth over a million dollars in extra income over the course of a lifetime. |
Did you know... |
With the Graduate Query Tool you can search our college profile database by setting specific criteria, such as location, graduate programs, and school characteristics. |