I cannot praise this school enough. I initially had a GED and a dream to attend Emerson College. Obviously I needed more than a GED to be accepted into Emerson. Bunker Hill was my next step. Other than the usual frustrations when dealing with the financial aid department or standing in the long admissions line (this is typical for many colleges), BHCC is a place which holds many opportunities for students.
In the 2.5 years I studied there I had only one bad professor. I was Senator at Large for the Student Government Association, inducted into Alpha Kappa Mu (BHCC's five star chapter of Phi Theta Kappa an international honor society), I was a Commonwealth Honors Scholar, an Orientation Mentor, and was chosen to receive a study abroad scholarship to Costa Rica. I spoke on student panels and worked with faculty, staff, and administration. Everyone here is genuinely about the success of the students.
There are so many valuble services in place to assist anyone in need. There is free tutoring, free tax preparation, and a free food bank every month. You can visit Single Stop for food stamps, to speak with a lawyer about debt, or try to find housing. If you get a large bill that you cannot afford and that bill would affect your ability to attend classes you can apply for the Dreamkeeprs Fund where a student is given $1000 that they do not need to pay back so that they can pay their bill.
Not to mention all the ways you can get involved on campus. All of which helps build your academic resume which is VERY important when it comes time to apply to four year universities.
I graduated BHCC and was accepted into Emerson where 50+ credits transferred and I also received scholarships and aid to cover tuition. All of this was possible because of the opportunities available at BHCC. You just have to be willing to work hard for what you want.
About a third of the students at Washington and Lee University still receive some financial aid from interest on an endowment set up by George Washington in 1796.
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