Users in this career have rated it a 2.4 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 41 users during registration.
Users were asked to rate their happiness in their current occupation as being either "Very Happy" (4), "Happy" (3), "Mixed / Neutral" (2), "Not Happy" (1), or "Miserable" (0).
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The things I like about my position is that it provides the opportunity to learn new things at my own pace. I work an 8 hour day out of an office. After two years you are able to work from home if you prefer it. The organizations I work with are tax-exempt organizations. It is my job to review applications for exemption and determine if the organization qualifies under the Internal Revenue code for tax-exemption.
The things I don't happen to like so much about my job is that it becomes monotinuous after a while. You develop a library of paragraphs for the various letters you write and tend to cut and paste to produce your letters.
My advise for people who would be interested in becoming a Revenue Agent would be to become familiar with reading legal documents such as the Internal Revenue Code. This would assist them in learning the position.
If I had to do it over again I definitely would choose this as a career. There are various projects that you can become involved in that keep the job interesting.