Users in this career have rated it a 1.9 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 145 users during registration.
Users were asked to rate their happiness in their current occupation as being either "Very Happy" (4), "Happy" (3), "Mixed / Neutral" (2), "Not Happy" (1), or "Miserable" (0).
Users in this Career Group
There are 700 users in this career group. They represent 23 different countries. You can see the list of users in this career group by clicking on one of the links below. You can also join this career group simply by selecting your current status and clicking "Add Me."
I love my career. I make wonderful money and I get to meet lots of interesting people. I have a set schedule, and rarely must work overtime. I advise anyone who wants to join the business world to attend the OCU business school meetings. They give great information on how you can be successful doing whatever you choose.