Note: The editors at MyPlan.com compile, summarize & provide links to sites that we believe may contain information of value to you. We do not, however, endorse these sites or the information they may contain, nor are we in any way affiliated with them. We simply believe in providing the best information to our users -- even if it may sometimes come from others. |
Career Advice & Information |

BusinessWeek maintains an archive on their website of published career articles. www.businessweek.com/.. |

Like other job boards, CareerBuilder.com also has a resource center that provides advice on compensation, resumes, and education. www.careerbuilder.com/.. |

The Wall Street Journal manages this site which offers a good list of articles, tools and quizzes covering a wide range of subjects from resume building to employee benefits. www.careerjournal.com |

HotJobs.com publishes various tools and articles that provide advice on resumes, interviewing and networking. hotjobs.yahoo.com/.. |

Richard N. Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachutes?, offers lots of good advice and tips on his website for people looking to change jobs or enter a new career. www.jobhuntersbible.com |

Jobseekers Advice
This site provides articles, links and discussion forums offering career advice on a number of subjects. www.jobseekersadvice.com |

Mapping Your Future
This site offers students several tools and articles for planning a career, including interview & resume tips, career profiles, and education advice. www.mapping-your-future.org |

Monster.com publishes a long list of articles that offer advice on everything from interviewing to building resumes. content.monster.com |

Career Profiles |

Career Voyages
This site from the U.S. Department of Labor gives students a quick overview of careers in different industries. www.careervoyages.gov |

The College Board
Authors of the SAT, The College Board offers career profiles on its website for hundreds of different careers. Each profile offers a description, educational requirements, an outlook statement, and salary information. (Note: profiles are written with a high school audience in mind.) www.collegeboard.com/.. |

The Monster offers brief one-page profiles on dozens of different careers, including descriptions, lists of skills, educational requirements, and job outlook statements. jobprofiles.monster.com |

Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes this biennial collection of occupational profiles that contains detailed job descriptions, training requirements and job outlook statements. www.bls.gov/.. |

This company offers a couple dozen career profiles. The basic reports are free to view, but more detailed reports cost as much as $20 each. www.wetfeet.com/.. |

