Note: The editors at MyPlan.com compile, summarize & provide links to sites that we believe may contain information of value to you. We do not, however, endorse these sites or the information they may contain, nor are we in any way affiliated with them. We simply believe in providing the best information to our users -- even if it may sometimes come from others. |
Internships |

This site hosts a limited selection of internship opportunities. Registration is required in order to view postings. www.campuscareercenter.com/.. |

Job Shadow Program
This national program gives students the chance to “shadow” a workplace mentor as he or she goes through a day on the job – an excellent way to learn about prospective careers by actually being in them for a day. www.jobshadow.org |

Idealist.org (a.k.a. Action Without Borders)
This charitable organization hosts an excellent directory of U.S. and international internship opportunities. www.idealist.org/.. |

This site offers a job board for posting and searching internships opportunities. The site is set up for US and international postings, but it has a very limited selection of postings. www.internjobs.com |

InternshipPrograms.com (WetFeet.com)
A service of WetFeet.com, this website helps match candidates for internships with employers who are looking to hire interns. www.internshipprograms.com/.. |

The site offers an internship job board where employers can post internship openings and students can search them (requires registration). www.internweb.com |

Probably the largest job board for internship opportunities, this site from Monster.com offers a searchable database of internships in America. www.monstertrak.monster.com |

Apprenticeships |

Apprenticeable Occupations
The Bureau of Labor Statistics published this excellent 20-page brochure in 2002, detailing what an apprenticeship is, what to expect, what careers are “apprenticeable,” and how to find them. www.bls.gov/.. |

Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
The ETA, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor, maintains a database of apprenticeship programs in the U.S., searchable by state and county. bat.doleta.gov/.. |

State Apprenticeship Offices
The ETA also provides a useful set of links to state apprenticeship offices that often report more complete and up-to-date lists of apprenticeship programs than might be reported at the national level. Use the following link, or simply click on any of the state names below to link directly to each state/territory's apprenticeship office. bat.doleta.gov/.. |

Vocational Information Center
This site provides a useful set of links to other apprenticeship resources, including a list of programs by industry and articles about what to expect during an apprenticeship. www.khake.com/.. |

Volunteering |

America’s Promise
Founded in 1997 by Colin Powell with the support of Presidents Bush, Carter, Clinton, Ford and Reagan, America’s Promise organizes and supports service projects that benefit children. Projects include mentoring, tutoring and coaching programs. www.americaspromise.org |

This remarkably successful volunteering program provides full-time educational awards in return for work in community service. You can work before, during, or after your postsecondary education, and you can use the funds either to pay current educational expenses or to repay federal student loans. www.americorps.org |

DoSomething.org organizes student community service projects as either after-school activities or in-school class projects. www.dosomething.org |

Global Volunteer Network
This New Zealand NGO connects international volunteers with communities in need around the world. As many of the volunteering opportunities are rather attractive (e.g., working with endangered animals in exotic parts of the world), there is a rather hefty application fee. www.volunteer.org.nz |

Idealist.org (a.k.a. Action Without Borders)
Possibly the largest volunteer portal on the Internet, this organization verifies and certifies other nonprofits and includes reputable ones on their site’s directory. www.idealist.org |

Learn & Serve America
Learn & Serve America organizes, supports and funds community service projects that combine volunteering with training and professional development. Often developed in collaboration with schools, their projects have a very distinctly educational as well as civic objective. www.learnandserve.gov |

Network for Good
This site is one of the Internet’s leading philanthropy and volunteering websites. It represents over 20 nonprofit organizations and helps match potential volunteers (of all ages) to positions within charity organizations that best match their skills and volunteering goals. www.networkforgood.org |

Peace Corps
Volunteering for the hardcore – the Peace Corps organizes long-term (2 years+) development missions to the 3rd world. Around since 1960, the Peace Corps has sent more than 178,000 volunteers to 138 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education, information technology, and environmental preservation. www.peacecorps.gov |

Student’s Guide to Community Service
An excellent overview of volunteering opportunities for students, this article describes different types of volunteering positions and what should be expected. The article also lists top national organizations with contact details. www.pueblo.gsa.gov/.. |

USA Freedom Corps
This relatively new federal program has gained considerable momentum as a volunteering network, helping individuals find service opportunities that match their interests and talents in their hometowns, across the country or around the world. www.usafreedomcorps.gov |

