Browse by Category / |
Total: 1110 Careers |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media |
52 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance |
10 |
Business & Financial Operations |
57 |
Computer & Mathematical |
35 |
Construction & Mining |
67 |
Counseling, Community & Social Services |
18 |
Education, Training, & Library |
66 |
Engineering & Architecture |
80 |
Farming, Fishing, & Forestry |
21 |
Food Preparation & Service |
19 |
Healthcare Practitioners & Technical |
92 |
Healthcare Support |
19 |
Installation, Maintenance, & Repair |
58 |
Legal |
9 |
Life, Physical, & Social Sciences |
72 |
Management |
64 |
Manufacturing & Production |
122 |
Military |
20 |
Office and Administrative Support |
72 |
Personal Care & Hospitality |
35 |
Protective Service |
36 |
Sales and Related |
27 |
Transportation & Material Moving |
59 |
Interesting Fact |
In the 18th and 19th century, hatmakers used poisionous chemicals including mercury in their work. As result, many developed pathological symptons -- an estimated 10% went insane. Hence the term "mad as a hatter" and Lewis Carroll's character, the Mad Hatter. |
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