Career Resources |


Career Database
Search, browse or query through over 900 different careers. Read career profiles, job descriptions, educational requirements, and career outlook information. Find out what kind of salary to expect, watch short videos, and even learn about the types of people that typically go into each career. If it's not in here, it's probably illegal. |


Video Library
Watch one- to two-minute videos for nearly 500 different careers and industries. Hear real life stories from people in those careers and see what jobs are really like! Requires Real Media Player, Quicktime, or Windows Media Player. |


Salary Calculator
Want to know what you should really be making? Or maybe you just want to find out what other careers pay. With the Salary Calculator, you can find out the average wage for people in any of 900 different careers by state or city! |


Top Ten Lists
Top ten highest paying jobs in America. Top ten lowest paying jobs in America. Top ten U.S. cities with the highest average incomes. Highest paying jobs that don't usually require any college... and more! |

Industries |


Industry Database
Browse through information on 77 industries including industry profiles, careers in the industry, working conditions, employment, training and advancement, earnings, and employment outlook. |

Other Resources |

Online Resources
With thousands of career websites available online, finding useful career information can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled is list of websites that be believe may further aid you in exploring careers and finding jobs. This is an objective list compiled by the editors here at MyPlan.com. There are no paid inclusions.

Interesting Fact |
The Rx symbol used in pharmacology was originally as astrological sign for the planet Jupiter. Its use originated in the Middle Ages when doctors believed that planets influenced health. |
Did you know... |
The MyPlan.com Skills Profiler scores and ranks 900 different careers based on how well they match your skill set! |