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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
June 10, 2009 |
Elementary Education and Teaching:
At the university where I studied elementary education, it was a very good experience the first two years. After that, the program itself, started to go downhill. Professors were being brought in who had never set foot in an elementary classroom, professors that barely understood English, and professors that rarely made it to class seemed to be the case more often than not for my last two years of college. If I had to do everything all over again, and stayed at that particular university, I would not pick that major based on my last two years. My advice to people considering elementary education would be to research their school choice first and make sure they have not only a strong education department, but also to see if there is a program that helps the students find jobs after they graduate. Another point I would consider is to check out the school districts in the community you would like to work in after graduating. Many of the school districts that were close to me after I graduated gave preference to alumni. Since I was not from that area, it was extremely difficult for me to get an interview. As it was, I ended up in a completely different career. The pros of my degree are that it does help me obtain a higher consideration when applying for another job; I felt better prepared when i had my own children because I had dealt with small children for so long; and I have a great children's book collection for my sons someday to enjoy. The cons are that since I am unable to go back to school at this time, my teaching certification expired and I am unable to renew it, so all I have is my degree, which will not be enough if I ever decide to try and get back into the education field. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
October 07, 2008 |
Elementary Education and Teaching:
My advise to those considering an Elementary Education major is to think long and hard that that is what you want to do with your life. Keep your mind open to other options like special education, secondary education, park or museum education, or working with people in other capacities. Also, just depending where you are looking for a job there may be an over abudance of education majors that do not have jobs when your finish school. Elementary Education is a very common major, and I recomend it highly if you know you want to teach general education elementary school. I highly recomend getting experience in other aspects of education like special education before you make your final decision. If I had to do it all over again I would have gone into special education, because I could not get a teaching job right out of school became a teachers assistant with severe disablity students and now love the job and working with special education students. The pros of this major it is a common major so it is easy to get into classes and most schools offer it. It is also rewarding, and our society will always need teachers. The cons of it are there is not a lot you can do with the major besides teach, and right now there are an overabundace of elementary education teachers so in some areas it is difficult to find a teaching job. The pay is also not always very good for teachers. If you are thinking about an elementary education major I recomend it, but also keep your options open. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
September 10, 2008 |
Elementary Education and Teaching:
Education is the major for you if you want to help shape the minds and lives of our future generations. If you love kids, that's great, but it's not enough of a reason to go into education. To be an educator you should be a lifelong learner. You shouldn't go into Education if you're reasons are a) getting summers off, b) working fewer hours (that's a myth there is A LOT of planning, grading, committees, etc that takes place after school hours), c) For a regular, dependable job and an equally dependable paycheck. Teaching is not about money or time off. Teaching is about learning, growing and helping our youth do the same.
If I had my choice, I do not know if I would still go into Education. I started my college career as a Graphic Design major and sometimes wonder what it would've been like to complete that degree instead.
PROS: An education degree will NEVER be obsolete, there will always be a job field.
Education is a great choice if you love working with young people
CONS: The job field is not as broad as it would be for other majors (ie business).
Education theories and views shift every few years which means what you learn in college could be of little service to you depending on the government's education plan, administration's policies, and changing views on how things should be taught. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
January 02, 2008 |
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language / ESL Language Instructor:
I would advise anyone interested in TESL to try it out first, either at home or overseas. Volunteer in a school or college. Just because you speak English does not mean you can teach it! If you do enjoy this teaching, take classes in it and keep volunteering. Study not only grammar and teaching methods but also anthropology and American Studies. If I had to do it all over again I would get a Bachelor's degree then, maybe, eventually, an MA in Teaching. The other teachers I work with are often retired school teachers who do not understand the unique requirements of teaching ESL to immigrants. The best things about this job are the students (eager, grateful, fun) and the people I work with (supportive and dedicated). The con is the pay -- you can't really make a living teaching ESL unless you are in a school district. I teach adults four nights a week in a grant-driven program and must work other part-time jobs to make ends meet. But I LOVE going to work, writing my own curriculum and generating my own teaching materials, and working with great students. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
December 03, 2007 |
Early Childhood Education and Teaching:
I enjoyed my time as an Early Childhood Education major very much. However, be prepared to deal with many individuals who believe that you are in an "easy" major or are preparing for life as a housewife. If this is the reason you are majoring in ECE, you are sorely mistaken. Early Childhood Ed. is a very time consuming major in terms of practicums, lesson plans, student teaching, etc. However, it is a very rewarding major. The first time you teach a class and see a child's eyes light up because he/she understands for the first time, you realize why you chose this major in the first place. You have to sacrifice a lot, but it is definitely worth it. If you want to be an early childhood teacher, no other major will prepare you better. |
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