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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
December 01, 2008 |
Biology / Biological Sciences, General:
I studied biology at the University of Kentucky. Plain biology was not my passion, neuroscience was, but that wasn't available at UK. The biology department was very helpful in letting me take classes outside of my major, in allowing me to do research, and since I was a transfer student, they allowed me to test out of classes that I felt I didn't need ( the transfer credit evaluations were all messed up!)
I would definitely pick biology again - it was not a fluffy major, and I felt it was very useful. There is a LOT of information to study and not very much connecting all of the random facts, but I liked the challenge. Overall, I'd say a biology degree could help with any career - I think people know it is not an easy major, and it does teach one how to think. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
November 13, 2007 |
Animal Behavior and Ethology:
This major is fantastically specific, and regardless of the name, gives you the grounds to have insight into both animals AND people. Animal behavior is human behavior, just among a different social group. You get science, philosophy, biology, and humanity all in one. This also means that finding an "Animal Behavior" job is nearly impossible. It is both too general and specific. For research, your area of animal behavior may fall into multiple categories such as social psychology, cognitive psychology, or another. However it is too general to find a practical job, such as in a zoo or stable or vet office. Regardless, I still believe it to be valuable, and I wouldn't change it for anything. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
September 24, 2007 |
Biochemistry is an excellent choice in college major for a variety of reasons. Firstly, if you are planning a career in science, this major will prepare you as well as any other. Although you will get a broad background in the core curriculum and in the basic sciences, you will take more specialized scientific classes than those in many other majors. There should be plenty of opportunities for undergraduate research as well. Biochemistry majors don't all go into science (in fact, only a minority do), and the background you'll get in solving complex problems will serve you will either in professional world or in graduate or professional school. Employers recognize this, and biochemistry majors are highly employable in fields as far removed from science as management consulting. Biochemistry majors also have a higher acceptance rate into medical school than many other majors, including biology. Be warned, though: biochemistry is difficult. Don't become a biochemistry major unless you are truly interested in the science. If you are, though, go for it! |
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