The majors community area features a forum, usergroup and reviews — where you can meet and communicate with other users also interested in this major.
This community area is for Metal Work & Precision Production, which is a category of majors that includes "Machine Tool Technology / Machinist". The complete list of specific majors that fall under this general category follows below.
67 users in this community group. You can see the list of users in this group by clicking on one of the links below. You can also join this group by simply selecting your current status and clicking "Add Me."
1 user is currently studying this major.
3 users are considering this major.
0 users
have studied and/or earned a degree in this major.
63 users have hidden memberships.
(Hidden users have added this major to their portfolios, but have not indicated a publicly visible status.)
Metal works is very helpful to all
now a days every thing is containing metal properties.
there is also lot of problems in production of metal products.
some times in process of extraction of iron from different compounds
there is lot of chemicals there that are very dnagerous to human skin
and it is weighed before adding in mixture of different metals
some times it mix in very high quantity so there is some extraordinary things are appeared