This is a great college in a small town if you're looking for closeness and intimacy. If you're wanting to be just another face in the crowd or a number, this is not the college for you. There is very little crime in town, and even less on campus, except for the occasional theft or drunken antics.
UAM is a very tight knit college in a very small southeast Arkansas town. Two of the rather unusual degrees offered here that may not be offered just anywhere are agriculture and forestry. The instructors get to to know you as a person, warts and all, and will go out of their way to make sure you are getting the education you need to succeed. Even though some "uppity" folks make fun of UAM, it is an honor to me to have been a part of this school.
When P.T. Barnum donated money to Tufts University, he did so on the condition that the school's mascot be named after his beloved elephant. The Tufts University mascot has been the "Jumbos" ever since.
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