I would recommend this university for anyone who is seeking a degree in Christian Ministry. The professors are very knowledgeable about all things related to the Bible and ministry, and they take the time to get to know their students personally.
The main disadvantages are that the chapel services are not very deep or challenging, and the school is a bit too conservative theologically. Still, I am glad that I graduated from SBU, and I would choose to go there again.
Overall I was pleased with attending Southwest Baptist University. It is a small Christian University that offers various majors and gives you a chance to get involved with mission trips and grow spiritually. There are some rules that I would have rather not had at the school like you can only visit the rooms of the opposite gender once a month on special days. But overall if you don't get hung up on the rules I believe you will find sincere teachers and peers at SBU. I think a lot in life is your attitude and if you want to have an enjoyable time and learn and grow, you most definitely can at SBU.
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