For anyone considering this college, please be aware that the main focus of this college is for people aspiring to be teachers. They do not provide too much as far as graduate studies in other fields, except business and teaching (child study and secondary education). This place is a good place to even get your pre-reqs done and then transfer out later once you are sure of what career choice you would want. I know plenty of people who have done that.
I would recommend this college to those who are looking to be teachers or looking to work in a business one day. Other than that, they do not have much else as far as a focus point. Also, this college is great if you are undecided and just want to get your main pre-reqs done (math, science, english, etc).
If I had to do it all over again, I would not choose this college as my first choice. It was not my first choice to begin with. I had to go there since it was more convenient for my parents since my brother also went there. I would have much rather gone to a credible university since I had the grades to do so. The college did have some good points, it had a great sports facility and the a good amount of the teachers were great. Some teachers I even took a few times before my time there ended. Some cons include way too much of a focus on sports (those on sports get "byes" in regards to school work or extra time to complete it which is not fair to everyone else), the classrooms are tiny and there are usually 25-30 students in a class. Also, they require you to schedule your classes online and sometimes the server crashes and you lose the progress you made (sometimes even the class you need). Some information people should know about this college is that the school is predominantly women. I say roughly 65-70% of the population on campus are women. Also, sometimes the workers at the school (ones who do the office work) are rude for no reason.
Based on the total number of people tested since IQ tests were first devised, women have a slightly higher IQ than men.
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