This college is a glorified high school. There are only a few professors who treat students like adults, let alone treat them like human beings. The education you received in high school is actually more in-depth than the education you will receive here. It's amazing, the number of fools you meet here, and how much they complain about how bad their jobs are--and they are the professors. Don't even try dating here, all the girls are snobby and diseased. Stay away.
I'd recommend this university to students who are struggling to pay tuition. PNC is cheap, however, don't expect much help from the Financial Aid Office. Buy your books online, because there is only the campus bookstore which charges outrageaous fees. I once bought a book online for a tenth of what the campus bookstore was going to charge me. The professors are great. Take advantage of their open door policy. It will not only give you a study edge, but they seem to grade more lenient when they know that you are trying. PNC is growing, but it will never be more than a commuter campus. So, if you want the full college experience--try somewhere else. We are only here for the degree.
It is a very good college for good students as they are guided by very good teachers and they are inspired mentally by very positive thinkings.I would stongly recommend this college.
Technology students at Purdue North Central have the best opportunity to learn from broad diciplines and depth of knowledge of the best instructors available. The Mechanical Engineering and Information Systems tech degrees were the most fun I've ever experienced. Group work is essential and rewarding as everyone learns from each other. Many places are available for group studies, the beautiful campus grounds, the comfortable study areas and rooms indoors. There's 4 desent cities available to gather at bars or resturants. The communities provide a melting pot of personalities and experiences to all.