This is a wonderful college if you have already attended one or more colleges before finishing your degree. Credit was given for classes other would not have given credit. Unfortunately, while there, there were also taken some classes familiarity and knowledge already existed.
Though experience and learning, it was discovered that if you enter class and discover that this is familiar go speak with one of the deans. The Dean may give credit for the class, if the next class up is taken in it place and a passing grade is attained.
With the price of education, especially at a private University such as CTU, this is one way to receive more for your money and graduate quicker.
I'm attending CTU Online. This school is great if you have a busy schedual and cannot attent a traditional brick and moter school. I you are able to attend tradition school, I wouldn't recommend online education. I would consider online education as a last resort.
This is a great school to attend. The professors work with you on a one on one basis, answer emails and are available one hour a week via an IM system on their school website. If I had to choose it all over again, I would go to the same school again. The pro's of going to this school is you get a great education, done by an excepitional staff and I am even considering going back to get my MBA from the same school. The con to going to this school if although they have three ground campus's, they are also know for their online programs and this type of degree is not widely accepted at this time.