This is a good basic college to get all of your general education credits done for a cheap price. I would not recommend going to this college for much more than an AA degree though.
The school is not very challenging and many of the teachers simply don't take what they are doing seriously. On the other hand, the few other teachers that I have met that are good are some of the best teachers that I have met.
Most of the students at the college do not take their education seriously. It is rather frustrating to be in a room full of people who do not care about what is going on. I would not have chosen this college if I had to choose it again. I still attend it because it is the most convenient for me.
It has been 10 years since I went to Normandale and I was part of an experimental program (that failed horribly) that no longer exists. The one good thing I can say is that Mrs. Rosenberg is the best Comp/Lit prof. in the world. She was strict but she could teach a monkey to write.