This is a very good college considering the cost. I got a great education and at a fraction of the cost of a regular university. Class sizes are small enough that professors can devote individual attention if necessary, and the campus is safe and quiet. The only downside is that the "Community College" tag on a resume isn't quite as presigious as "University of..." so it has made job searches a little tougher in the past.
It was a beatiful experience, all the schools i have attending in my lifetime. If it were not for the schools that i attended, I would not have the basic knowledge that I have in general and, in life. I've learned alot in my twenty-sevenen years, on this earth and, would not change anything.
Most of the teachers are very friendly and helpful. Be sure you know what you want to take and how to go about getting into the classes you want. Know a little about the help you will be getting financially. Be sure to ask what expenses you will be expected to pay out-of-pocket.
Dartmouth was the only college in New England to remain open during the entire Revolutionary War.
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