Fresno City College is a good starting point ot get a lot of your lower division G.E. classes out of the way. This is especially true if money is one of your primary concerns. For the working professionial, one can complete all the requiste classes for transfer to a four year university and earn an AA degree by taking classes at night, on Saturdays and online. This provides tremendous freedom and actually makes it possible to complete your program. On the down side, there are often a shortage of core classes and the registration scheduling system does not always make sense. In my experience at the college, it was better and easier to figure out what I needed to do for transfer and to get my AA then to ask an advisor. For the most part, it seemed like every advisor I talked to had an agenda all their own and was not truly interested in helping me. Still, if I had to do it all over again, I would. Starting off at a four year university is simply too expensive for me to even consider. I just wish that Fresno City College had expanded their night program and online program while I was still actually a student there.