The Interest Inventory will help you find out what your interests are and understand how they relate to the world of work. There are 75 questions in this test designed to compare your personal interests to those of people in 739 different careers whose interests are satisfied by their work. The report will feature a cluster score that will help you identify your strongest work-related interests, while the CareerMatch™ scoring system will rank-order all 739 careers according to how well they align with your personal interests.
The theory behind the Interest Inventory is an outgrowth of Dr. John Holland's research and practical experience in the fields of job classification and career choices. Holland theorized that the more compatible a person's interests are with the work environment, the greater success and satisfaction the individual is likely to experience. This led to his formulation of a person-environment typology for modeling vocational choices based on interests. Over the past 30 years, numerous researchers have continued the work of improving the model first pioneered by Dr. Holland, including renowned psychologists E. K. Strong and David Campbell (authors of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory) and researchers here at